An "agency" grown from a community.





We can help you see
beyond the status quo







RADAR is a global community of people thinking about and building better futures. We've assembled a constellation of the top sensemakers and collaborators who can help you harness the power of our collective insight and talent. All supported by a core team who ensure seamless collaboration across the community, the collective, and our clients.

Are you seeking to imagine and build better futures for your business, the communities you serve, and the planet? Reach out for a chat to see how we can help.

Build a better future with us

Our Senior Sensemakers
are your portal into RADAR



Just some of our sensemakers...

Daniel Riveong

A systems navigator with a particular interest and expertise in the future of food and future of work.

Lydia Caldana

A Brazil-born and globally-based foresight strategist and policy-maker, distilling inclusivity and sustainability for fairer futures.

Nic Allum

A cultural supernerd, deeply embedded in niche subcultures and an expert in their codes and futures.

Athena Chen

Santiago Chávez Arroyave

Amy Daroukakis

Tamika Abaka-Wood

What people say about Radar

Delivered an extremely inspiring session to my team on foresight and ‘multiplayer futures’. This was crucial in dynamising the team for our own afternoon brainstorming, and to open our minds to new ways to conduct future studies.

Adrien Mollet
Global Strategic Director, Cultures & Futures @ L'Oréal

RADAR maintains a core cultural ethos that connects members insights about the future with a common desire for collaboration over competition, and a desire to play ‘an active role in manifesting their reality, not just standing by to witness and record. This puts radar in a more of a social innovation category than functioning strictly as a foresight group

Future Cultures
Written by Scott Smith & Susan Cox-Smith, Partners @ The Changeist

RADAR's community is diverse and smart and an active experiment in sense-making at the edge of tomorrow that you can't help but pay attention to.

Alex Daish
Venture Designer. Founders Factory

While most reports focus on obvious trends and signals, RADAR approaches it from the fundamentals. Their deeper focus on humanity rather than technology is also sorely needed in a world where games have become so financialized.

Paul Gadi
CTO and co-founder, OP Games

RADAR allows me to participate in a hivemind of collective intelligence and soundboard emerging ideas. It's my favorite space on the internet.

Sarah Owen
Global Trends Director. Soon Futures

This is “proof-of-future” for headless trend forecasting, research and reporting by decentralised communities. @Radarxyz is like a more ambitious WGSN, born from #web3.

Chief of Staff, Aglet∙ Prev. Head of Console Gaming & VR, Amazon

RADAR re-situates you from a mere observer seeking to understand and capitalize on trends, to an equal an agent, a citizen, a builder, capable of contributing to and shaping the world we live in.

Andrea Chen
Planning Director. BBH


Always-on sensemaking

Do your planning cycles fall behind the pace of culture? Internal bottlenecks slowing your team down? Make more informed decisions with regular access to the collective intelligence of RADAR.


Receive regular briefings from RADAR, customized to your goals: weekly insights, monthly deep dives, or quarterly trend forecasts.


Embed one of our Sensemakers directly into your team to gain an insider’s view on culture, delivered at intervals that make sense for your business.


Influence what the RADAR community works on by sponsoring a topic for one of our monthly campfires.

On-demand insights, ideas, and inspiration

Looking to broaden horizons before a project kicks off? Need to sharpen your team’s vision at a key moment of the year? We can respond rapidly to illuminate blind spots, reveal new opportunities, and stretch your team’s imagination.


Inspire your team with an interactive workshop about RADAR’s multiplayer futures methodologies.


Reveal a glimpse of the future of your audience, topic, or category with a research sprint.


Crowdsource visions, from our global community, of your product, brand, or business at its most potent.

Deeper dives and co-creation

Need to see further, faster? We can help with our multiplayer methodologies designed to unlock the collective intelligence and imagination of our community.


Deep dive into the future of your audience with bespoke research from RADAR.


Participate in a co-creation process with opportunities for multiple and diverse stakeholders to co-create ideas together.


Integrate the time traveler’s perspective into your team via trainings and programmes.